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Welcome to my Megadeth fan page, all you metal fans! If you're here, I suppose you like Megadeth (or maybe you just wanna find out more about them). I'm a big Megadeth fan. Heard them for the first time in 1992 and since then Megadeth will always be number 1 for me (and yes, I own all their albums). I started this website in 1996 (and it was the first ever website I created) and on here I would like to present stuff for you fans to enjoy. Some things I have are Megadeth info, lyrics to all albums, pictures, various polls, links to good tabs sites, general links, full discography, downloads, fan art, fan listing and so on.. I also try to have the latest news in the world of Megadeth. I hope you enjoy your stay (and sign my guestbook if you'd like) and will be back many times.

Visit the Official Megadeth forum!

This site will be closed on October 26th! :(

News! Updated 2009-10-24

Bad new everyone. This site will close on October 26 because geocities are closing down all their pages. This was the first site I created back in 1996 and I know I've updated it less over the years but still I think I made something good by at least getting alot of info etc on Megadeth. I have put it also on my own domain for the moment so if you need to reach it the new location is here. So if people never find it again I'd like to thank every single visitor on this site. Thank you!

Endgame lyrics have been added.

Megadeth's latest album Endgame is now out! I've listened to it and there are some awesome tracks here. Also, the Head Crusher [Extreme Cut] music video can be watched here

Now it's official, Megadeth's new album will be called Endgame!

Picked up from Megadeth's Twitter, the new Megadeth album will be released in September!!

I just wanted to say that today (23/9 '08) is not a happy day. I've just found out that my closest buddy has taken his own life. Why and how I don't know. I knew he might have been somewhat depressed but nothing like this. RIP David!

Glen Drover is no longer the guitarist for Megadeth. He steps down to focus more on his family. To fill his shoes is Chris Broderick (Nevermore, Jag Panzer). I'm sure he will do a splendid job taking over for Glen.

Oh yes. I've got my ticket, do you have yours? has had a facelift to go with the new album release and all that. Looks really good and a brand new layout from previous sites. Check it out!

As usual I try to get the lyrics down from the new album quickly also so this time. Took a long time to write down but you really get into the lyrics this way (I recommend doing it :)). So if you want them go to the Albums page.

United Abominations is out!!! So everyone go out and get it. I know I did and I like it alot. It's really heavy and fast and everyone did a fantastic job on the album.

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Megadeth stuff!!

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