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Welcome to the TIMELESS digital domain.
Promo CD - Photo
Promo CD Cover
Here you will find pictures of the band, logos, samples of songs and any other stuff the crazy band members invent. It will also be available a Scheduled Gigs information as well as Promo CDs merchandising. Don't forget to take a peek at our Links section.
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Hot News

Hot News:

TIMELESS will be featured in a compilation CD with other 5 bands, this CD will be recorded somewhere by the 15th of december, the band didn't yet choose the tracks to record, maybe if you know our songs can help us with the decision just give us a E-mail stating your preferences. The recording Studio will be J.A.P. Studio. We will post further news and of course a sample of a song, as soon as we can, stay tuned.

Now for a little background on the band:

We are Portuguese, still unsigned, Heavy Metal band, started as TIMELESS two years ago with the release of a Demo Tape self-entitled TIMELESS featuring four songs : Fame & Glory, I am the one, With you and an Instrumental called Dare 2 Dream. These songs got airplayed in a number of radios throughout the country since the summer of '94, hope you heard'em, and we got a couple of reviews on newspapers, magazines and fanzines. By then we did a couple of gigs but due to musical incompabilities within the band we split and the band members joined other projects for some time. In the second quarter of '95 Singer Miguel Corte-Real and Guitarist Ricardo Fernandes decided to join efforts again and started audictioning for band members while composing new songs. In June '95 after audictioning several bass players we found Sergio Pereira and he joined the band, having already worked out several original songs the Band decided to record a new Demo. This Promo CD was recorded in august '95 with the help of sequencer for the Drum parts due to our lack of a (satisfying) drummer. Having finaly found a Drummer for our needs Ivan joined the band and we started rehersing the original songs and set of cover songs ranging from Free,Queen to Whitesnake and Ozzy Osbourne. It's planned for the band first appearence to be in April.

The Band formation is : ( in case you didn't bother to read above or got confused )

The Band's Promo CD features four songs :

Audio Samples:

The following songs have samples that you can download to listen, but don't forget to order the Promo CD if you like what you hear.


The Promo CD is available for 2000 Esc.( 15 U.S. Dolars ) plus postal expenses if outside Portugal.

You can reach us by e-mail, phone or snail mail, check out the adresses below. We are waiting for your comments !


Email: pt@globo.edinfor.pt

Phone: 351-01-7576111, 351-01-7592039

Mail: Alameda das Linhas de Torres n. 219 4dto

1750 Lisboa - Portugal

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