Hi,this page was started 960521.
Here's a screensaver for all the Newcastle Brown Ale fans.(81K) broonale.zip
-I got it from their site.
Here's the Business interview.
I've left this site for four years now,after reading my guestbook now after three years or so I've decided
that this old bastard's making a comeback...
Nothing's changed yet,my first step will be to check all the
links,remove all the dead ones and add new ones from the guestbook and
that I'be stumbled over in other ways.(like clockwork crew)
Cheers and beers!
BTW,no mail address yet,another very soon to do thing.(feel I need to get back on track with coding HTML first...)
These are my branchpages!

for lyrics -updated 


-Bandpages updated 

-Swedish stores. Updated 


-Punk,skin and Oi! links,Updated 

-punkstores and labels on the web,updated 

-Other links,updated 

A brief history of
A little more info on what's in those pages:
Resources consists of addresses to stores that sell clothes,punk/Oi!
records and more.
Reviews is a page where I revue some demos and albums.
If you're in a band,or know of any bands (more or less unknown) send me
an E-mail on where to get their demo's tell me how much they/you want
for it and give us a bio as well.
I prefer Swedish bands (it would cost me more to exchange the
money,than buying the demos,unfortunately).

Sign My
View My

Here are some old Lpage entries.
This is what I saved from Pergatory.