This is the best place on the
(who's aka Michi)
Of course this page is under construction - and will always be!... what decent page isn't? *L*.
actually there should be more construction work than there IS! lots to do!
Still, you are very welcome to step into my world and make yourself comfortable!
Get yourself a drink from the fridge and have a look at any of the rooms!
Before you leave, browse the pages of my
guestbook volume I
guestbook volume II
guestbook volume III
and leave your name in the current
book of 'who is who?'
to let people know you were here,too!
By the way, you are visitor #
you may have noticed that not much has been happening here lately.
this is due to my having been on a round-the-world-trip for more than eight months last year (1998),
and since i am back i have put up a site about my travels.
i will do something about this one in time and look forward to seeing you back here again occasionally!

Here is a link to my other page!
If you want to send me some e-mail, go ahead!
© 1996/97/98/99 Michi
This page was created by
Moon & originally launched by
3D-artwork and gifs done by (among others)
For colour codes go to
this site
or to
that one!
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