Last updated Nov. 15, 2003
I had originally intended to have my guests learn more about me. That's the original reason why I created this web page. But a lot has happened since I came online in June '96, and now I have to be, well, more private. You understand, of course. Most of you have walked in my shoes; you know the problems we face day to day, especially when we're married. I'm no different than most of you. All I want is the occasional chance to be the person you see here, to have that side of my character accepted, and to be cherished once in a while. You already know what I am, so vicariously, you also already know much about who I am. You know my greatest joys and deepest heartaches -- we already know each other well.
I want to help the TG community, but there's nothing I can state here that another girl can't say better in another web site. From the TG links lists below you'll also find better resources, fiction, and humor than what I can personally provide. But I do have special talents that may interest some of you, and if you peruse the following links, maybe you will find this web site informative and helpful .
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Can't promise I'll answer, but here's my email address. Thanks for visiting. Come back often to see what new items have been added. Thanks again!