Art Diaz--He who strokes strings.
Originally from Texas,
Art's guitar technique ranges from the
gutteral crunch of an angry rhythm to an intertwining groove that
wraps itself around the music and brings forward and enhances the
melodies in the songs. After hearing his playing, you'll never
forget it!
Pierre Lannon--He who beats things
for a living (and a feeling). Melding the intricacies of jazz
and fusion (Vinnie Calutta/Manu Cache) with the sheer power of
his own style and strength, Pierre creates a raging foundation of
dynamic feel and a crazy ferocity. See him play live and you
will believe.
David Stephens--Locking with Pierre
into a rock solid groove, David uses his classical background and his
relatively maniacal stage presence to create an unforgettable rumble
that goes straight for the bones...shattering them and leaving the
body gelatinous. But jelly-like or not, bodies just can't help but
groove to what David plays.
Sasha--The singer/lyricist
(and, yes, a musician as well). After three years in
Amsterdam with a successful, original touring band, Sasha came to
Seattle to create a band with his brother (Pierre), and found
three players any singer would love to play with. The goal was to
create music from the soul that goes to the soul...Mission
Misunderstood in MP3 format.
Thrush (2.3MB) in MP3 format.
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This site will soon have more COMPLETE songs of Laughing Gas in MP3 format. Check back soon!!!
If you want to tell me about this webpage, be my guest.
Click here for a word from Laughing Gas.
My email account DOES work so drop me a line. © 2001
You are number
Together, these four friends are Laughing Gas. A band whose influences
are as diverse as its members
(Alice Cooper,
Pink Floyd,
Allman Brothers,
The Police,
and on, and on... as well as many club bands you may never have
the pleasure of hearing.) This diversity shows
itself in the music LG has written
for it's debut record, Devil in the
Details. Whether it's the heavy stomp of
Angry Man and Pincusion, or the silky grooves of
Tangled and Possible Regret (definately one of many
possible singles), or the swaying violin on
Thrush, you'll hear different styles,
but you'll always know LG's
playing. The music is all of these things and much more. It is
original (yes, it's true!), and more importantly, it has
created something bigger than just the band and it's audience... It
has created friends, given the opportunity to bring people together
to share their pain and joy, consuled someone in solitude, and/or
maybe just gave a little entertainment to a bored soul. Whatever it
is that draws you in and makes you feel doesn't really matter.
That you do feel is important...
Tangled in MP3 format.
to visit this site since July 1, 2001.
Last updated: August 17, 2001