Vampires: Information for Fun

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Vampire information on novels, films and myth.

1997 was the 100 yr anniversary of Bram Stoker's novel "Dracula".

This site is maintained by: Peter Galbavy, there are also links to other novels here. Bram Stocker's Dracula: The Novel.(this is the whole novel)

This is a page that show an interest I had since a kid watching the old black and white Bella Lugosi movies. I will have links and images. I will also provide info about horror both fact and fiction. I also don't drink blood, sleep in coffins or dress up. Except for Halloween.

THIS IS ALL IN FUN. SO ENJOY! But as in all stories and myths there is a kernel of truth to build the story, which is why I include the info on Vlad and Elizabeth and Rhode Island.


Vampire Trivia
Famous alleged vampires in history
Rhode Island VampiresUpdated 1/26/00 added more stuff from Vamptopher
The references I use are found in the following: If you love finding out about Vampires these are some of the Books to buy and KEEP in your library.

Vampire (The complete guide to the world of the undead) Manuela Dunn-Mascetti, Viking Studio.

The Vampire Book (The Encyclopedia of the undead) J. Gordon Melton, Visible Ink Press.

V is for Vampire (The A-Z Guide to Everything Undead) by David J. Skal Penguin


The earliest were an explanation of childbirth problems.

Malaysia: langsuyar, a young beautiful woman who still birthed a child, she then flew into the trees and from then on attacked children and sucked their blood.

This same tale is told in Greece, called a Lamiai.

In eastern Europe families had stories of vampire's due to the death of a relative. Symptoms of vampiric visits included nightmare's, death by disease usually tuberculosis or apparitions of ghosts. Some causes of vampirism were violent deaths, like suicide or accidents. At first Vampires did not create new vampires by attacking people and killing them, they multiplied into lesser demons on their own, this was the Greek vampire.

But in Eastern Europe Vampires could claim other members of the community usually by biting them. In one case Vampirism was passed by an Arnold Paul who had bitten cows then the contaminated meat passed Vampirism on to the person who ate the meat. (Talk about mad cow disease)


The first written account was in 1040 referring to the word upir, this referred to a Russian Prince as a wicked vampire or "Upir Licky"
The European literary vampire came around the 19th century.

Since I started this many years ago, vampire sites have come and gone like bad TV shows. I have recently cleared out bad links, you wouldn't believe how many have gone dead. I'm not going to look for new ones since they ARE a rehash of previous stuff done. Look on google or yahoo for other vamp sites. The ones listed below are the ones that have been around the longest and survived. I don't have a guest book anymore or email link. You would not believe the wierd crap I recieved over the years. Some people need a life. Anyway please check these sites out they are worth checking.

PS: If you really believe in this stuff, whatever, you proably believe in crop circles also. Someone is making money off of you.

Click Skeptic


HARRIS COMICS VAMPIRELLA is great, check it out at your comic book store.

This is the official Vampirella Site.

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