Where the fun is high,
But the maintainence is minimum
I know what you're thinking, and yes. Now almost six years after starting this site, and four years after the last update, I've fixed things that weren't working. The content is the same though. So take a journey back through time to 1998, and the world of a mischevious high school sophomore.

Hello Northfield High School!!!
Two of the coolest songs never recorded, Sco Rob, and the Doug Grandahl Rap Song!!!
The smoothest pick-up lines around
Nostalgic trouble making by the Loaded Teenage Driver
See old clips, and a few whole songs...
Part 1
Part 2

Baseball '98

Seth Coleman's Quote Of The Week
"Wanna see my belly again?"

Is that hair gel???

Shall we shag now, or shag later???

These are some sites I enjoy, and you will too
| ESPNET SPORTSZONE | Beastie Boys Homepage | WWF Homepage |
| NFL.com | 93X | Ticketmaster Online | Godzilla FAQ |
| Rolling Stone On-Line | The International Lyrics Server |
| Keep yourself busy for awhile | Gangsta Rap Dictionary

If I'm curt with you, it's because time is a factor. I think fast, I talk fast, and I need you guys to act fast if you want to get out of this. So, pretty please, with sugar on top, clean the fu****' car

One more thing to the coolest freshman around Jeff Hudson you are a stud!
If you want to e-mail me, click right here!!!
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