[99/02/07] - Hey y'all! Surprise, surprise. Out of the dark, I've returned to this site to revitalize, redesign, improve and overall just make this site better than ever (not too hard right now since it's been stagnant for months :P). I've tried to make the load time at a minimum by counting every graphic I use and to keep up with the times, I've included some javascript and dhtml code to spice the place up. As for updating, I can't make any solid, 100% guarantees, but I will make a stronger effort than ever in the past to keep the site well informed with the latest news (to be printed right here) and post any new photos I come across. So before I bore you anymore, browse the new place and if you have an opinion, send any feedback, comments, or critiques here. P.S. You can now easily come back and/or bookmark this site at tonibraxton.cjb.net! Click HERE to vote for this page as a Starting Point Hot Site. |
-this site was created and is maintained (whenever he can) by dustin curtis. all pictures and lyrics are copyright and property of their respective owners. the webmaster has no official affiliation with ms. braxton or laface records as this site is strictly unofficial. p.s. don't hope to talk directly to toni here, sorry. :( |