Mutants, Freaks, and Malcontents: I am NOW your king! (Sorry Nik, It's a shame to see you go...)
You are minion # to find your way here when this whole idea, the whole basis for who I am, and what I do since August 26th, 1996; and now you're trapped in Misery Town. I'm afraid there is no turning back for you, as you are now a permanent resident of this genuine tar-pit of stupidity.

For those of you who don't know who I am, my name is Punk Rock Mike, I am 26 and I live in Suburban Hell, Massachusetts.

Anyway, you want to know more about me, check out the about page, you want to know more about my favorite bands, or are just entertained by the stupid stuff I'm saying, feel free to look around and enjoy.

And now, for the weather...

Terror Alert Level

I am Frylock from Aqua Teen Hunger Force!!
Which Aqua Teen Hunger Force character are you??

Just who the hell IS Punk Rock Mike, Anyway?

Bands Played On Suburban Hell

Current Featured Song

Descendents Tribute: Go For All And All Shall Set You Free!

Anti-Stress Kit

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