iznogould 's Home Page

Real Men don't eat quiche.
And Real Men don't have the word homepage in their homepage's title either.
: Things that cannot be found on this site.
1. Pictures of cute furry animals, especially baby seals.
2. Pictures of wolves silhouetted against the moon.
3. Pictures of dolphins leaping in the sunset.
4. Sentences beginning with "Well, basically".
5. Pictures of Pamela Anderson.
6. This space has been reserved for your suggestions.
Things that can be found on this site.
My guestbook!
To all you lazy bastards out there:
I've asked you nicely, and only Mirabelle responded, so now I'm telling you to
sign my Guestbook!
. And when you've finished doing that, then and only then, you can
read what other people have taken the trouble to write.
Remember: I know where you live...

Not enough pictures of Emmanuelle Beart with too many words by myself.
The most high-tech, Gore-Tex lined, hardline Emmanuellist site on the Information Superhighway.

Includes guidelines on how to be a Real Man, a macho song by the Muppets, a full explanation of what
macho actually means, and an :
A preview of:
Christine's Hunt for Rising Danger
Tom Clancy's new Macho thriller.
Not everyone will like this.
Why Greenpeace are scum and why Voltaire was right, amongst lots of other things.

Vanessa Paradis, Kate Moss, Nicole and the complete and unabridged lyrics of Joe le Taxi.
The Great Bloke
people have so far pioneered this page.Please create a link to it if you can
Pour tous les francophones: j'ai pas ecrit cette page en francais pour que plus
de gens la comprennent.Desole.
The more astute amongst you may have noticed that the original Iznogould Homepage has
been demolished to make room for a new one, which is more adapted to today's world.
I hope that you like the new design, and I would appreciate it if you e-mailed me t
show your approval. Of course, abuse will also be taken into consideration.
I hope that this site has been an oasis of happiness in your lives.
And remember:9 out of 10 Americans would rather be French.
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