We welcome thee to feast your ears, eyes and mind upon this not well known, but brilliantly majestic band. With the singers soothing/stranglehold lyrics and the almost floating and sometimes stinging melodies, worlds will turn over and fantasies begin!

Band News   Site News

Apr. 19 Rehearsal for "A parallel road to a serial Something" have begun.
Apr. 18 A sleeve is being worked on by Claudio & Robert Holmqvist.
Apr. 5 The project will be named "A parallel road to a serial something"
Feb. 20 The band reveals that a new project is being planned.

Apr. 21 Pictures from the first rehearsal are being developed as we speak.
Aprl. 20 We will get some early rehearsal recordings as soon as they become available.
Apr. 18 New site layout, hope you like it.
Interviews & miscellaneous

At the moment we have nothing to offer, but in not such a distant future we will get some brand new interviews.