Welcome to the Pensacola Lighthouse

Coffee's Always On!

Hello! Come on in! Nice to see you!

I'm Jim and welcome to my little corner of the world. Let's get the boooooring stuff out of the way first. I'm about to celebrate the 30th anniversary of my 21st birthday. I work for the Department of Veterans' Affairs, I served 24 years and 11 months more or less faithful Naval Service, I have two dogs, two kids, and a wife... not necessarily in that order and I'm in debt up to what hair I have left, and I need to lose some tonnage as you can see if you find the hidden pic of me... Ok, now lets get on with the neat stuff! I love rock-and-roll, tolerate c&w, enjoy some classical, detest rap crap.
This page will always be in some stage of destruction,but I'll keep going till I get it right ...or close enough for government work!

And... for your reading pleasure... sentiments from the
Texas Chatters' Party

Once upon a time in the land of big D
Our favorite deer Baaambi threw a party!

Honey flew into Atlanta by plane,
Hooked up with Jonathan & LH
Now Delta Air will never be the same

Four people in a yaller truck
Caused the cops much mirth
Especially when he said,
"Now darlin', this just ain't gonna work."

Dave(Kman) traveled the not so friendly skies for hours,
He slept through breakfast, we had ours.

A good first night was had by all it seems
Topped with copious amounts of whipped cream

JonBoy and Seagem drove from Houston at low cost.
Jon turned wrong and almost got lost

The staff at Wal-Mart
Thought we were out to lunch
When they had to page
Michael Hunt

We went to Eagle Point and sat on the dock
And there we met up with a guy named Pocketwatch

DirtyDan tried his luck
Wound up at the lake in his pick-em-up truck

You put your right foot in
You put your right foot out
With this gang of clowns
Now you know why synchronized swimming has been thrown out

We relived the day
While sitting by the pool
And dallas and BestMan arrived
Which was all pretty cool.

Jazzy it seems was giving hints
When she passed out after dinner condom-mints

Over breakfast we did linger
Watching Honey give good finger

Bambi threw a great party without a doubt
We could just never figure the damn breakfast bill out

With hugs and handshakes to those near and far
We left the Hampton Inn and its charming manager Akkkbar.

Once more we tried our luck
Getting four people back to DFW
In a big yaller truck

Going through airport security
I am told
They demanded of
To "Please disrobe."

There is no doubt and let me make this clear
Our darlin' Baaaaaambi
Threw the party of the year!

Links to other sites on the Web

I chat here as lighthouse or as BRT or as Hoosier Daddy or as Michael Hunt or as....

The Gathering Place Chat Forums

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This....is CNN

Come Fly with me

Come Visit the Mall

Thanks for coming.

Email me at: jimbob50@ix.netcom.com

You are someone special, never forget that!

Webpage design by Honey


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