groov·y (grv)
adj. groov·i·er, groov·i·est. Slang

Very pleasing; wonderful.

groovi·ness n.

Welcome! to the Homepage of the
Yahoo! Chat Club, Feelin' Groovy.

"Feelin' Groovy" is about...well...what it sounds like. It is definitely not a place for musicians or those serious about music. We are fans of Simon and Garfunkel, but we aren't fanatics. Mostly, our club is one of those places that examines no burning issues, discusses no important topics, and doesn't have much of an agenda. The main purpose is just to chat and have fun--we might munch on the lyrics of one of our favorite S&G songs or communicate in song titles or first lines of lyrics--but nobody is keeping score. It's all just for fun.

But we are listed as a Simon and Garfunkel Fan Chat, right? ..okay, for those who need their S&G fix, check out our lyrics pages and pay attention to the message board. We'll be posting the lyrics to one song per week for our members to respond to with things like "what this song means to me," "my favorite memory associated with this song," or some other writing the song suggests, but all on a strictly voluntary basis.

Okay, now it's time to check out some of the features of this page by clicking the buttons. No need to go crazy, but we do hope you enjoy.

The Yahoo! feelin' groovy Chat Club

Simon and Garfunkel Songlist

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