This site will contain my own Half-Life Counter-strike maps built in Worldcraft. I am really not familiar with mapping but I try to learn it from tutorials on the net(there are a bunch of them)
My computer sucks ass so whenever I try to make my current map larger, either my computer crashes or it takes a life time to compile the map so i shut it down. It means that when my brother buys a new computer(I hope this summer), you will see some really cool maps here. It is really a pain to map with this computer
Bu sayfada benim Worldcraft`ta kendim yaptigim Half-Life Counter-Strike haritalari olacak. Haritacilikta yeni sayilirim ama internetteki dersleri okuyarak birseyler yapmaya calisiyorum. 3-D programcilikta biraz on gecmisim var o yuzden pek zorluk cekmiyorum ama WORLDCRAFTi LAPTOP unuzda SAKIN YAPMAYIN. Cunku deli olursunuz. Dakkada bir bilgisayariniz coker ve donar ama yinede cok zevkli bir sey oldugunu soyleyebilirim.
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Su anda 3 tane bitirmek istedigim ve iyi basladigim harita var ama bir noktadan sonra bilgisayar kaldirmiyo yinede bitiricem kararliyim. Bunlarin illki kendi mahallem. Ikincisi doganin ortasinda gusel bir yazlik ev. Havuzu var ve akintili bir nehirde bulunuyor burada. Ucuncusude Bir Cami. Cami yapiyimmi yapmiyimmi diye cok dusundum(saygisizlik olabilir diye ama Kilisede yapmislar neden Cami olmasin?  Bu arada yaptigim sokak ve Cami haritalari kendilerine ozel texturelar(duvar kagidi gibi bisey. nasil tercume edicegimi bilmiyorum) gerektiriyo. O yuzden texture yapmayida ogrenmek istedim ve WALLY programini download ettim ve suna karar verdim Texture yapmak harita yapmaktan daha zor(en azindan benim icin). Kaciniz Paint bezeri bir programda gercekci seyler cizebilir?                [tarih: 17 subat 2001  11:30pm NY]
Rigth now there are 3 maps I want to finish up but after a point it becomes a REAL PAIN to do them cuz of my computer but I will finish them anyway. First one is my own street in Turkey, Istanbul. I love that place so I want to feel that I am walking in there even I am in Newyork. Second one is a nice summer house in nature with a pool next to it. And there is a river(with stream) in the map too. The third one which I started this week is a Mosque. First I was not sure to do that cuz I thougth it would be disrespect but There is a Church done already and nobody is offended by that so why not a Mosque? By the way cuz I am doing my own street and a Mosque I need unique textures for them(since no body tried to do them before me) So I downloaded WALLY, the texturing program and tried to make textures and I realized that it is harder than mapping(at least for me) How many of u can make a realistic picture in a program like Paint?
[editted 17th febuary 2001 11.30pm NY]
Haritalarimdan Resimler
Screen Shots of my maps
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this page has not been updated for a long long time . actually i just updated it by writing this but whatever..... it still sucks