well my mane is Elena Nelson (as you most likely know) and I'm in grade 11 and loving it!!!! I have decided to make this site for those who know me and those who don't and inform them about my life...so they don't have to ask (hehe).
well...my interests very from day to day but some are always there...for example I love sports...especially volleyball and track and field related kinds. I love reading science fiction and fantasy novels (piers anthony is my favourite) and I also live doing crafts like beading and cross stitch. My favourite actors include...KRISTIAN AYRE, HARRISON FORD, and JOHNNY GALECKI The music I enjoy the most is that of DC TALK, JARS of CLAY, and LARUE. I love youth group and the mall (yes I will admit that I am a shop-a-holic)..and that's about it!
my family consists of ME, my sister April, my brother Luke, my parents and my great dane Jazz, my cats Sanka and Archie, and my bird Mitch. I love my family dearly (well april it varies...just kidding) and I know well be together forever.
my friends are the best people in the world...Where can I begin... ROBERTA-My best friend and companion through everything...it's very hard to be there for someone 24/7 but some how Roberta manages. AMANDA-another good friend and music freak (in a very good way of cource) JEN-well what can I say about jen...at the begining of the year we vowed to have at leat 1 inside joke and now everything we say is an inside joke...Jen is a boy crazy have to love her person that no one can't get along with.