God…so many memories. This past year, I have learned more then most people do in a lifetime. I learned about love, about friendship and about what’s really important when it comes down to it. I learned this all because of 5 people…The Hotel Girls, along with Sue. Together we faced the hardest times in teenage life and we did it with high heads and smiles on our faces. No matter what was wrong, just the thought of Amanda dancing in the front of the van or Jen saying something hilarious or us singing "Won’t Back Down", could pick me off the ground.
I let The Hotel Girls become my life. I was so happy. Man, I felt so sorry for all those poor kids at school who had nothing, who had no passion, no drive. What stories did they have to tell? When the year first started, it was about The Moffatts. How many concerts could we go to? How much could we endure? But as time went by, I found something else in the five of us. I found each other. In each and every one of us, there is a piece of the others. We began to know each other so well that we didn’t even need to say what was on our minds because we knew exactly what we were all thinking already. We had that goal that one day we would be sitting with The Moffatts and having lunch, we would look around and see each other and know that we had done it. I strongly believed that destiny had taken it’s part and instead of finding Moffatt buddies, I had found my soul mates.
I don’t think I can explain what we have shared, no one can. The best thing of all was knowing that no matter what, we would always be there for each other and that The Moffatts we nothing compared to what we had. But something happened. Slowly, The Moffatts seemed to take over again and it somehow went back to a competition to get their attention and go to the most concerts.
Others had joined the group and at times it was good, and others not so good. The connection was lost. There was too much else going on and all of a sudden I began to wonder where our special pact had gone. What happened to "no matter what, friendship first"? So when this happened, I was devastated. I couldn’t believe that what we had worked so hard to get was suddenly taken away from some of us. Ripped from us.
I can’t begin to describe how I am feeling right now and I don’t think it matters at this time. I just want to say that I hope the girls that went had a good time, because all they have left is The Moffatts. They sure don’t have their friends anymore. God I will miss those times! Think…just think of how far we came together and what we accomplished! Well, it’s been unreal and I will never forget one second of it. Not one second. Good bye, and remember…
Don’t Ever Back Down!
P.S. I would like to thank the people who were there for The Hotel Girls all along and believed in us. I really thought we would make it someday. But this just shows that dreams can come true...but only for so long. I do believe in fate but right now I don't really understand it.
You may address any comments or questions to me
Thank you and God Bless
I don't really have much to say, I just hope you all had fun at the shooting and I hope it was worth all this. I don't think you even realize what you have done to us, what hell we have gone through these past days.
Say whatever you want to us! Gloat in our faces...apologize...explain yourselves....do whatever but i think i speak for all of us when i say that any respect i had for you before is completely gone right now because what you did was insensitive and not necessary. It doesn't even matter to me that i am not with the moffatts right now! It's the fact that you made a choice between them and us and you chose them! A band! A band over a group of friends one of you have spent almost your whole life with and the rest of you spent the best days of your life with them!
Well I don't think I can even put my emotions into words so I'm going to stop here. I just want to say thanks to all of you!
The past year has taught me a lot about everything; friendship mostly. I've learned that the things you cherish so much and so dearly can crumble up in your hands and disappear. I always told myself that this was it..this was the path i was supposed to take and it was to lead me to my wildest dreams and goals. And dont get me wrong, it did just that..but something was jagged along the way..
Over the last 4 months my life has been a little on edge and events that have been occuring were not going the way i wanted them to. Everything was on a landslide, falling further and further down a stream of neglect, envy and hatred. Fights started and trust was lost. It could have been stopped, but it wasnt, and i guess thats why people say "everything happens for a reason"..im not too sure i agree with that..
What could possibly be the reason for this? This loss of trust and hope and friendship? It didnt need to happen but it did. And there is no turning back..not now anyway.
What i though we had wasnt a friendship, it was a connection. Something that was shared through emotions. No one had what WE had and thats what made the last year of my life so memorable and delecate..
Feel free to email me with any questions or comments..
Thanks for some of the best days of my life!
something didnt seem right..
And now? Now its gone.