Welcome to Anil's Homepage

After a period of hesitation and deliberation, I finally decided to make a webpage. I've been havin a lotta free time and I thought I might as well do somethin. So, I started readin this book "Complete HTML!" and the book repeatedly kept sayin "Do not publish personal information on a web page". Guess what they meant was the World Wide Web is a repository for information to people all over the world and wastin precious band width with personal information that caters to the interests of just a few is well.... face it...not recommended. But then, bein a defiant rebel that I am, I hope those authors hit on this page durin their retirement and watch me laughin at them....
This page is best viewed in Netscape 4.0 or better...
Well, this site is always

Watch this space!!

Last updated on August 2, 1999...
: - a_kurian@yahoo.com

Tight Site Ring
This Tight Site Webring site
is run by Anil Kurian.

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