Katurah Ja Clark Oct 26, 1999- Dec 17, 1999

A FootPrint On The Air
"Stay!" said the child. The bird said, "No,
My wing has mended, I must go.
I shall come back to see you though,
One night, One day--"
" How shall I know?"
"Look for my footprint in the snow."
"The snow soon goes--oh, that's not fair!"
Don't grieve. Don't grieve.I shall be there
In the bright season if the year,
One night, One day--"
"But tell me, where?"
"Look for my footprint on the air."
Author: Naomi Lewis

Katurah Ja Clark mint the world to her family.
Katurah is my last little baby. There will be no more
after her. She is and will always be loved by her
mommy (Tonya), daddy (Ray), older sister (Raven),
and older brother (Carson). Its like as soon as she
came home to us. She went home to our heavenly
father. She was only a month old. But time we had
together, will always be remember. I still have
all her belongings. Her clothes, car seat, and toys.
I don't think that I will ever be able to part with
all of Katurah' things. My oldest daughter believes
Katurah lives in the hospital; I think that is better
for her, I know that she does not want to face the
truth. Because I tried to tell her what happened. My son
would look in her bed to see if Katurah was in there;
so I felt we had to let the bed go. I think that made
it easier on the whole family. A week before she
passed, she was starting to react to me when I talk
to her. she was just starting to smile and make
baby noises. After she passed I blamed myself,
because I was not there to protect her like I was
suppose to. I felt maybe I could have done
something. But of cause everyone is always telling
you that there was nothing you or anyone could do.
Still today there is a part of me that believes that
I could have done something to save my baby. And I
will always have that feeling. No one will ever
change that. I also thought that maybe she was mad
at me , and this was way of letting me know. Even
though I blame myself I know that God has a reason
for everything he does. And I know there is a
reason for for my Katurah's death.

To Katurah:
Little one, Little one
Where have you gone?
Your going has darkened
the brightest dawn
Why did you leave us?
So soon, So soon?
Where can we look for you?
Over the moon?
On butterflies' wings?
In the heart of a rose?
Who Knows?
Who Knows?
Where A Little One Goes?
From Katurah:
Where I have Gone,
I am not so small.
My soul is as wide
As the world is tall.
I have gone to answer the call.
The call of the one who
take care of all of us.
Wherever you look,
You will find me there
In the heart of a rose,
In the heart of a prayer
On butterflies wings,
On wings of my own.
To you I'm Gone,
But I'm never Alone-
I'm over the moon.
Katurah Ja Clark

 This page created by Helen Mead
from one bereaved Mom to Another
Member of MMIAS