Guiding Statements
Mission Statement
Vision Statements
Value Statements
At a
TML is
a collaborative ministry of the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship Global
Missions, CBF-FL, and many local and regional church
sponsors. TML
has 7 full time staff and one part time volunteer
publishes a quarterly newsletter TML
Times. To receive your copy request by emailing your
Key Contacts: Larry
R. Wynn Executive
Director D.
Steven Porter Director Laquita
V. Wynn Dir. Admin.
and Finances
46 NE 6th Street Miami, Florida 33132-1919 Office
305-377-8817 Fax 305-377-3855
the TML video (3842.66KB)

Touching Miami With Love Ministries, Inc.
History, Mission, Vision, Values and Priorities
Touching Miami With Love (TML)
is an inner-city Christian ministry serving the poor, disadvantaged and isolated in Downtown Miami and Overtown. Since August 1994
TML has served this area as a collaborative vision of Central Baptist Church and the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship (CBF).
TML has incorporated, become a 501(c)(3), developed a Board of Directors, and is a significant spiritual resource in the community.
Downtown Miami and Overtown is a small inner-city community of 12,000 people in the midst of metropolitan Miami-Dade (2.3 million). This area is the poorest community in the State of Florida. The community is plagued with many consequences of poverty including high crime, drug trafficking and use, high teenage pregnancy rate, single parent families, substandard housing, failed education and lack of quality activities.
Today TML reaches nearly 400 people per week in four primary ministry areas: the homeless person, children at risk, youth at risk, and families at risk. We also have volunteers engaged with persons with AIDS and prison inmates. Our philosophy is to engage with our participants in a meaningful relationship on an ongoing basis.
TML’s vision is that relationships and programs will become transformative to the participants who will in turn use experiences and skills learned to transform the community.
TML has a staff of eight professionals, seven full-time and one part-time. In August 1997
Larry Wynn became Executive Director as a CBF urban worker. Wynn has twenty-one years experience in executive positions in the newspaper industry and six years in non-profit management. An ordained Baptist minister, he has three masters degrees (MBA, MA and MTS) and a Doctor of Ministry degree in urban ministry (May 2001).
Laquita Wynn, Director of Administration and Finance, has twenty years of experience as a staff accountant in public and private accounting and fours years of non-profit experience.
D. Steven Porter, Director, has been with
TML three years and is responsible for all programs and manages the five staff ministers. Steven has an MDiv degree from Candler School of Theology, Emory University. In spring 2001 Steven was chosen as Miami Fellows Initiative young leaders program with the Dade Community Foundation. The other five
TML professional staff members have graduate degrees in theology, community ministry or social work.
TML has increased its capacity to develop meaningful relationships with its participants through volunteers. We engage over 150 local volunteers year round and over three hundred out-of-town volunteers primarily in the summer. Local volunteers engage in ministry opportunities for two to three hours a week for thirteen weeks or more.
Lori Kennedy, TML’s volunteer coordinator (part-time) recruits volunteers primarily through churches, universities, and service organizations.
TML’s Board of Directors is made up of (1) local supporting churches, (2) CBF-Florida constituents, (3) local liaison agencies, and (4) local business people. Our board reflects a broad ecumenical and ethnic representation of our community. The board has an annual strategic planning retreat to set direction and meets quarterly to review progress and support staff. Our board has opened many doors to collaborative partners and funding sources. They have also supplied professional expertise developing programs and providing organizational support.

TML Mission
Touching Miami With Love is an inner-city
ministry expressing Christ like love to transform people and their communities.
TML embraces and empowers the poor, disadvantaged and isolated by partnering with others and mobilizing resources.
TML Vision
To foster a Christ-centered environment in Downtown Miami and Overtown.
To systematically and continuously build a holistic ministry.
To secure funding, partners and volunteers to fulfill our mission statement and achieve our vision statements.
To advocate for the poor and encourage social policy
To be a catalyst to change Downtown Miami and Overtown through partnerships with churches, institutions, and individuals.
To become a training center for our community and for effective inner-city ministry.
TML Value
Our outreach is to the poor, disadvantaged and isolated in the inner city of Downtown Miami and Overtown.
Our work is social action and evangelical proclamation.
Our tenets are biblically based and modeled after Jesus Christ.
Our partners are inclusive of the Judeo-Christian experience and expression.
Our resources are provided by churches, foundations, corporations, grants and individuals, which will allow full expression of our Mission Statement.
Our staff and volunteers are committed to transforming people and their communities empowering them to meet their own challenges.
Our hope is to make the Kingdom of God visible and relevant to those with whom we build relationships.
Our plan is to touch people in the inner city with a meaningful relationship.
Our effectiveness will be monitored and measured for results.
Revised February 2-3, 2001