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June 4, I was thinking today about my past, and about my childhood. When I was...I don't know how old i was, my head was below the doorknob though..I remember that it was a small house, Mom and my sister Melodie were doing something (playing cards or doing thier toenails maybe) while one, Melodie I think, was sitting in the easy-chair and Mom was sitting in the floor a footstool between them. I was running from dad because I had done something stupid and i tried to go out the front door but I couldn't turn the knob so Dad caught me. On that, It was all I remember. I also remember playing with my sisters skates a few years later on the porch of a different house, Now my head was even with the doorknob. I still can barely skate though.
July 28, Alright I haven't put up an entry for a while, and I'm sorry. I have seen X-Men twice now and it just gets better each time. Hugh Jackman is the perfect Wolverine, some might say he's too tall but who cares he's fantastic. Patrick Stewart-I always knew he should play Xavier. Halle Berry-she was great and she fits the most important thing about Storm to me..I want to have sex with them both. Anna Paquin-A) she is getting so very hot B) who gets the award for best american accent from a foriegner her or Hugh Jackman? Ray Park- Need I say more? August 29, Long time no write. Just dropped in to say Hi. Except for another semester at school nothing is going on in my life. Well, I did just take my belt rank test in Tai Kwan Do. only 9 more until black...*sigh*
October 5, So far I'm not doing that great in school this semester I've just gotten tutors so who knows what will happen now. |