Last updated: 05/17/02
Thoughts of the Day

May 16/02
Let me see went to sleep last night, at 10 p.m. woke up at 2 in da morn, could not sleep, stayed up till 6 a.m. went to work for 7, finished at 4 p.m. went to school, passed out in the parking lot inside my car, if it weren`t for some friends who found me there, to wake me up, i probably would of missed my test. Props to them! Let me see, i think i aced my test, but im just freakin tired, anyways thats my log in for today, laterz.
May 15/02
Man i hate fixing up this page, every time i try to write new code some other code gets screwd up. I`m ready just to leave it for another year so people can harass me again to update it in the future. well, lets see an update on me?!!?!?! hmmmmmmmm........ lets see had a talk with a friend today, and made me think, and this is what she said "the way u see things, may not be the same way your friends see it" then she slapped me on the face and said "Gerald!, snap out of it"
for what reason is beyond my comprehension, but those words are still ringing in my head. what else, oh yeah i raked my back yard today!!! do u know how windy it was!!!!?!!? gee`s every time i raked a pile it would just blow away, but oh well as if u care. after endless hours of work, i eventually finished. well thats my log in for today, oh yeah if u have anyideas or cool html tricks make sure to message me. oh yah also sign ur name in the g`book and i`ll do the same.
May 14/02
hmmmm don`t know what else
let me see, well what to write, well i guess for all those who knowme, i`ll give u an update on what i`ve been up too. hmmmmm ummmmm skool..... hmmmmmm oh yeahskool,...... and ummmmmmmnah! just jokes but yeah skool did take alot out of me this year, pretty crazy. but let me see, saw spiderman the movie on sat. good movie. i give it 2 thumbs up, the best part in the movie was when it was all quiet, then my friend started laughing out loud for no reason, everyone was staring at us, pretty embaressing but its all good. um went kareoke i think that is how u spell it, hahahi was so wasted that i actually sang asong. hmmmm what else, well as u can see ifinally decided to update my aa page, i hope to have it upand running bythe end ofnext week. i was surfing across some pages to get some ideas formine, and i started laughing when i saw pictures on people`s pages,u know those pictures of themselves taken from their web cam or something, those pictures with those poses, im pretty sure all those who read this know what imtalking about, but yeah if u got any ideas on how i can fix up my page send me a note.
Under The Hood
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*This Months Theme:
Final Fantasy X*
"I`m A Huge coffee drinker,and I found this very interesting; Here`s some informatin on those caffeine addicts out there
Lose fat! Boost performance! Crap on command! It turns out that caffeine is good for more than just preventing your face from hitting the keyboard.
What is it?
Caffeine was first isolated from coffee in 1820 by a German chemist named Friedlieb Ferdinand Runge. It`s a naturally occuring substance found in more than 100 plant species.
How Does it Work
Caffeine blocks andenosine receptors in the brain. Andenosine is one of the brain`s brakes: Asit builds up, brain activity slows down andyou get sleepy. Caffeine cuts this break line.
More Caffeine Means More Awake right?
Yes-Until about the fourth cup of coffee. After that, you might get sleepier. A really high dose od caffeine can act as a depressant. And coming down is a bitch. It takes an average of five to six hours for half of the effect to wear off. Quit altogether and enjoy withdrawal symptoms such as nausea, headaches and depression.
Why does caffeine turn my colon into a rocket Launcher
Caffine is a laxative, causing constrictions of the ol`fudge tunnel and blocking the normal relaxation messages.
What If I`m Really Fat?
Now, here caffeine can help. Drinking a cup of coffee before exercising can give you energy and metabolism a boost, because caffeine helps free stored fat. Other benefits of caffeine include a reduced risk of developing gallstones. That said, gallstones have proven to be more effective at waking up people than an entire pot of coffee could ever be.
"Truth is the only safe ground to stand on."
It seems to me that people have vast potential. Most people can do extraordinary things if they have the confidence or take the risks. Yet most people don`t. They sit in front of the t.v. and treat life as if it goes on forever. You have to understand that Life is full of obstacle illusions.
Joke Of the Day
This one is dumb but funny:
"One day, a man exploring the jungle finds an elephant with a large thorn lodgedin his foot. Feeling sorry for the elephant, the man carefully removes the thorn. The elephant gazes gratefully at him, then limps off. A year later, the same man visits a circus and sits in the front row. The elephant act comes on, and one of the elephants keeps looking at the man. Eventually the elephant walks over to him, gently picks him up with his trunk, then tosses him to the ground, and trampling him to death.Turns out it was a different elephant.
"yeah yeah , i know what ur thinking, that was a dumb joke"
Don`t know what
to put here