Hi! Thanks for taking the time to visit our homepage. Sorry, but we're hiding our faces for several
reasons, one being the weirdo level on the net seems to be un-proportionate to the rest of society, and the
other being we feel this might be a better view…. LOL. We, of course, have photo's of our smiling faces
which we will send to you once we have verified that the person on the other end of the keyboard is not a
single male pretending he has a significant other, or a hubby who is trying to play around after his wife
has gone to bed. (Nite-nite termite!!!)
And with that, since you took the time to check us out, let us tell you a little bit about ourselves… She is
35, 5'3", 115 lbs.; he's 42, 6'1", 205 lbs. She likes to experiment with females, and would prefer the
other couple's "female" have some interest as well. He is straight. OUR idea of fun is always in the same
room, and if it's a good match, we are open to most possibilities (except bi-male contact). She could care
less about the length or diameter he is, unless you're talking about his brain. If the brain is of proper
proportion, then he probably already knows that no matter how great the vehicle is, if you can't drive it,
then it's a bad ride. We really are fun people (or so we are told)… and we work in the entertainment
business (Yes, with our clothes on silly!!!) We have worn out two keyboards typing to "alleged
couples"… (The aforementioned single males pretending to be a couple… photo guru's… goofy teenagers
who can't spell… and even a few married males who want "US" to talk "HIS" wife into it. [NOT!]). We
are NOT into video exchanges, photo collecting, cyber-sex, fantasy mail or any other thing that is not real
and personal. We have a very small group of close friends that we get together with and, for the most
part, plan to keep it that way. We would, however, like to meet a few more couples in our general area
that would like have fun on occasion, but who don't make this their primary mission in life. We would
like to develop a friendship with the other couple so we can have fun even with our clothes on!!!!!!!!!!!!
Now for you "smokophobic" people…. SHE is a smoker (an extremely polite one), and HE has NEVER
smoked (even when it's cold out!!) She does respect non-smokers, and does not "indulge" when with
non-smoking couples… and we are both known to be "social" drinkers….. (Just like Fred Sanford!!!)
(Okay, we're only kidding!)
Soooo, here's your mission Jim, should you decide to accept it… Send us an E-mail, along with a G-rated
photo if you're interested, and we will send one in return. We won't send anything better than that until
we have met you both (6) times and we are on a first name basis with your crazy 'ole uncle Ed. We
aren't interested in people who don't have a picture - scanners are dirt cheap, and most independent
computer stores will scan your photo for $2.50 plus tax. If the store wants a few nude shots, call 911 at
once! A fully clothed photo is fine. We aren't 2's, or 10's, actually we're 7.35's on the uglometer, but
hey! that's our opinion. You might look at us and say "They are so ugly…the tide wouldn't take them
Now, with the slight possibility you are a COUPLE, and you BOTH think we have something in
common, drop us a line. We will respond to all e-mails that go along with our thoughts… and those are
that if you are a real couple, and are not just playing around on the computer, you will spend a little time
and write something that gives us an idea of what you are looking for. Need we say more?!
Sorry fella's, but we do have to state the following: "SINGLE MALES, ATTENTION SINGLE
MALES… Why would we possibly want to get together with a single male? We have yet to meet a couple that didn't have a male in the family! It seems that a single male is one short of a party!!! It makes no sense to us at all...
Jeff & Rhonda
Sarasota/Tampa, Florida
Hot Tampa Couple's page with a bio, picture gallery, and more... Check 'em out!
Check out this Site... It's a great place to meet other couples and singles!!!