Welcome to my Page
         To all my chat friends
      I'm known as Terrorhertz
         or Terror for short
 I'm not A terrorist or someone who supports terrorism. The name is A play on the word Terahertz. As many of U know your cpu speed is measured in cycles per second ( called Hertz) and
1000 hertz = 1 kHz or kiloHertz and 1MHz= 1 MegaHertz and so on. I played the word TeraHertz to get the name TerrorHertz. It is mearly A name from my college daze in electronics. A name that is not already taken when I sign up for A name on A site.


MP3s:     http://www.geocities.com/terrorhertz/p2pmp3.html

 Links--      http://www.geocities.com/terrorhertz/Links.html

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