RhymeMan's Realm



Welcome to my site.  I hope that you enjoy the writings that you find within these pages.  They are a group of writings that I have worked for over six years to put together.  I hope that you will email me with your comments.  I look forward to hearing from you and getting your opinions on my work.  I will be posting new poems frequently, so check back from time to time.

Blessings be to you all.

J. W. Fincher










Love Poems  



Spiritual Poems



Friendship Poems
















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Disclaimer:  All works within these pages are the sole property of Joseph W. Fincher.  If any unauthorized copy or print is made of any portion or complete version of any of the works herein, the offender will be subject to the full measure of the law in regards to Copyright violation.  All rights to the written works contained in these pages belongs to Joseph W. Fincher.  Copying, printing, or use of these works is not allowed without the written permission of Joseph W. Fincher.  Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. 
