*~!Tütti Frütti ²³'§ PlAyGrOuNd!~*

!Hey Ppl, Thanx 4 comin'!

Hi, this page is dedicated 2 me, my friends & my interests. If u don't know who I am, I've no idea y ur here. Well, have fun roamin around...

My buddy PiKaChU; yep, ur gonna get a box in the head if u don't like this adorable little qt...


Hi 2 all the best, especially DaViDwho inspired me 2 create the site (happy now???), !!!***VIńēÉ***!!!, §iTnEy (#3(omg!it's ur number!)), §u$iE, *ThIrU*, ~MiKe~, Ha, NaDiA, JoAn, DuNcAn, JoRdAn, WiNtAnA, §oNaM, BrIaN L., GrAhAm, JuLiA, BiFtU, TrInH, TaNiA, PhElIcIa, IdA, JeNn L., EmMy, TJ the most wonderful super dog, Mike §., BrYaN t., ChE§TeR, VaNdY, §hUjUn, CiNdY, AyMeN, WeNdY, MeLi§$a, IfFy, LeNa, NaGhMaNa, ImRaN, KrI$HnA, O'NeAl, MaYuRaN, MaNny, RuI, TeReNcE, DoUg, AnDy, KeNdAlL, TeNnY§On, LiAnG, RaJiV, ChEnGraN, TeAlE, LiNdA, CaRlEy, Ro§$Ana, MaHa, MiThIlA, ViNu, JeAnNeTe, ElIlY, MiLyNdA, CaMi, WiLl, CaRmElLe, AdA, BrIaN, AdRiEnNe, ApRiL, JeN $, DeE, My wonderful KeNt Form 24 class of '99, & oh what the heck, the entire KeNt class of '99 (including all the LiTtLeOnEs), , my annoyin sis AnNy, & every1 else who's contributed in my life some way or another. There. Now u guys can't b mad @ me 4 not mentionin ne1 but §hItNeY & ViNcE on my grad comment :Ž

Here's some other parts 2 the page...

Sorry if some links r down & the incomplete info on some pages, kinda under heavy construction. U know what??? My page has run outta space, so I've gotta link it up 2 another page I'll b creating. Coming soon!




Picture Gallery



!!!Click on bada§$ PiKaChU 2 sign & the lil HaMsTeR 2 View my GB w/ HTML!!!

Click on the Xoom Counter Thingy where it says "Guestbook" 2 View/Sign My Guestbook if ur not gonna use html!!! ~puhleeeaaaasssseee???~