Christine's Grubbin' Restaurant Guide
Mmmm... steak (drools)...
Me @ Ruth Chris Steak House
San Francisco & Peninsula
South Bay
East Bay, East Bay II
Outside the Bay

The CRAP List
Specialty Foods
Wish List

$ - I've only got enough for McDonalds (under $7)
$$ - Dirt cheap for a great meal ($7 to $10)
$$$ - Let's brown bag for a few days ($10 to $15)
$$$$ - I wanna impress ($15 to $20)

=/ - Damn, it's a shit hole, but that's some grubbin' food.
=] - I'm not here for the environment, just the food.
=P - What a fun atmosphere!
=) - Nice place you've got here!
=D - Wow, very classy!

@ - This ain't half bad.
@@ - Almost like mom's cooking, but a good substitute.
@@@ - If I could, I'd eat breakfast, lunch and dinner here.
@@@@ - This place is on my speed dial.

+ - Let's have an eating contest here... these portions are HUGE
about me

Version 1.5

updated: 12.27.04
Oh... TURDUCKEN... one of God's many creatures!
Mmm... chocolate cake at Maggianos!