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Me standing next to my favorite painting
Scrabble Anyone
Favorite Painting
Ok, So I am hooked at this too.  Call me a Scrabble Junkie!!

Who would of ever thought that Scrabble was this much fun! Does this mean that I am getting old?

A common saying after a challenge..."You need to Read More Books, and Get That - Off the Board"
Oh! Weak spots, every- one has them.  For me it's the MOVIES. 

I try to get at least one movie in every week-end.  Fridays have become Movieday!

My all time favorite movie is "The Rear Window," and I am not talking about the adult version... :-) Alfred Hitchcock's "The Rear Window."
San Francisco Trip
Out on the Town
Dinner in San Francisco
Some of my friends invited me to play Softball with them and I've been hooked ever since.  I have been playing  on a league and tournament team for a few years now.
Rain Forest Cafe
Sitting in a Tree...