Friendship Status Website
What level are YOU?
You're probably wondering what this is all about.  You're here no doubt because you received a message with a link, followed by a little persuasion from me to come here.  Now that you're here, you may as well read it.
What the hell is this?
This is my latest brilliant idea.  I'm now categorizing friends and family into "Friendship Status Levels".  This site will be where you come to check on your "Status Level", and to apply for a higher level.
Why should I care about my "Friendship Status Level"?
Because it's cool.  After I figure out what each level means, you might have more incentive.  If anything, you can care when you're bored and have nothing else to do.  At the least, you'll figure out how much I value you as my friend.
How come I can only apply for "Bronze Level Status"?
To prevent people from just applying for the more exclusive levels, I'm only linking to the "Bronze Level Status" application.  After you have achieved "Bronze Level Status" and your probationary period is up, there is/will be a place on this site where you can request the application for the next level.  A link will be either emailed to you, or sent via instant message or myspace message.
Bitch, I've known you for like 10 years, how come I have to be at the "Bronze Level Status"?
That's just how I work.  Don't feel bad, I have to be fair.  Plus, your rating is based on actual criteria, so everyone has to start from the "No Status Level".
Are you for real?  This is stupid.
It's something fun for me to do.  I'm sort of for real about this too.  This has benefits for both of us.  For example, if you do something I don't like (like tell me you love me) I can just say, "Um excuse me... that priviledge is reserved only for those above the "Ruby Status Level".  You, on the other hand, can use your "Status Level" against me as well.  If you want to make plans and I blow you off, you can say something like, "As a "Tanzanite Status Level" friend, I request that you listen to, and bow down to my request.  Now kiss my feet and worship the ground I walk on, bitch.
What level am I?
Apply for "Bronze Level Status"
What's my promotion status?
(Check your level, and the levels of others)
~ Q & A ~
Click on a "Status Level" to find out the requiremtns to attain the level