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Hello and thanks for stopping by! On the next pages
you will find a tribute to my favorite actor...
Mark Hamill.
These are the Star Wars pages with Mark as
Luke Skywalker. I hope you enjoy them and
will come back often.
Mark is most famous for his role as Luke Skywalker in the original Star Wars trilogy. Click the Star Wars Logo for pics of Luke as he journey's from Tattoine farm boy to Jedi Knight!
Mark has also starred in a number of other movies. Click below to go to a list of them, complete with pictures.
I hope you will enjoy your journey thru my tribute. If you have comments or would like to contact me email me !
To see Just Mark, check out Mark-Just Because!
To Mark's movies...
Check out
Box Office Mania
for Information on your favorite Stars!
Check out these sites for Celebrity info! Click the icon to go there.
This site is not authorized by Lucasfilms or Mark Hamill.
It is strickly a fan site and no infringement is intended in any way.
Mark 2001
The Star Wars Trilogy is finally out on DVD! If you haven't gotten yours yet, what's taking you so long? It's the Special Edition and a 4th disc with interviews. Plus, there is some new stuff added...