Welcome to 20th century pop culture! From Fifties innocence to Sixties upheaval straight through to Seventies awareness, Eighties materialism and Nineties cynicalism popular culture has always reflected the times. Take a trip through yours or even your parents era and reminisce and discover what life was like in that place within history.

Oh wow, apparently my counter has busted since the last time I was here. IAnyways, if you have stumbled amazingly across this page then I think it is fair to warn you that the webmistress of this page is a big-time procrastinator! But I'm getting beat on these days to do something to this page and I kinda want to keep the address so eventually something will have to happen. In the mean time amuse me with some funny anecdotes or limmericks!

I still have the Barbie page up for the fun of it. I haven't heard any complaints about it so I'm guessing that it's not too bad. But then again I haven't heard much about anything! Please people, if you're going to do anything fill out the survey! I'd like to know what I can do for this page, heck I even like to read a good story! Thanks.
Survey-it's short, it's sweet and it's to the point. And I got rid of the pop-up ads so what's stopping you?!

The first three decades are available right now and future decades will be appearing all in good time! I'm working on it!
The Fifties- the era of cool. With a Cold War creating tension, a new generation of kids knew what they wanted-whether it was Davy Crockett coonskin caps, Elvis Presley, a cigarette or change. Very hip.

The Sixties - many words describe this decade: Revolutionary. Explosive. Either way, it's a memorable time in the latter half of the century and brings forth images of incense, beach parties, demonstrations and bellbottoms. Groovy stuff.

The Seventies - a cynical and kaleidescopic time of change. New issues are being brought to attention while fads are making a lasting appearance on the pop culture scene.Dy-no-mite times.

--it's brand spanking new and waiting for you!

Why It's Great to Be a Girl-this is the original, kids.

You are visitor number since September, 1998. Can you dig it?

Very cool approval, go check their own site at:History Television

This page was created by Polyester Pam©1998-2001.

Page last updated on February 11, 2001

Feel free to email me - no censorship here!

My ICQ number is 11444337 if any of you want to look me up.

This page was made with Internet Explorer so it is optimized for that browser.