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"Hi! I am a 17 year old christian from Michigan. Thanks for visiting my webpage. Here you will be able to learn more about me and the things I enjoy. Look around!"

Last updated on: 1-29-2000

[ ball ] Interests: My interests include mainly music and art. I play the bass guitar, and have been for four years. I currently own a purple Peavey Excel four string, and an SWR amp w/ 4-10 cabinet. I also love to draw and paint. As I said above, I am a christian, so God is obviously a big interest in my life. Others include listening to music, watching movies, hanging out, and chatting with interesting people on the internet. My future plans include attending Lansing Community College to earn an associates degree in photography, then going to Michigan State University to study business. I am also looking forward to getting married and raising children (corny, huh?)

[ bar ]School: Right now I am a senior at Fowlerville High School. I am the senior class treasurer, in National Honor Society, and play my bass in jazz band.

[ ball ]Family: I have a little brother. He is annoying. We also have a German foreign exchange student named Laura (coincidence?) with us for one year.

[ ball ]Other: Check out my Pics Page!See me and my friends having a blast! Also, I recently began swapping fb's, decos, slams, and stickers. Please e-mail me if you would like to swap or become snail mail pen-pals!

[ ball ]ICQ:: My ICQ number is 39003638 if you would like to chat, or message me instantly with the form below.

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