How Provo UT LDS (MORMON) Church Provo First Ward Stole 2500 from me
I have had 2500.00 dollars stole from me by my uncle that lives in Provo UT. The money was what my Grandfather gave them to give to me. They asked my one sister what she wanted to do with her money and she got hers, One of my other sisters got her money Only 2000.00 dollars that was 500 dollars short, but she at least got something.
I found out about the money about 7 to 8 years after it was taken.
My uncle took this money without asking me, with by law i was over the age of 18 i was to have been asked before he took it.
other wise you might say he stole it because he never asked me to take it.
I have had a sister that said that she did not want to get involved but she did by calling my internet provider and tiring to get my internet and phone taken away.
Since this we do not speak any more

I believe i did not get my money because i am a man and they are girls (Lady s) and if i was a girl or female i would have got my money by now.

you see Mormons are taught to respect Ladys and not men.
this is what i was told by the bishop of provo first ward told me, he also told me that he would talk to my uncle and my uncle admitted to taking the money but said that he did not have the money to pay me back.

My uncle has many times promise to send me the money
he promised to sell his 64 in a half chevelle to pay me and he never has.
There was one around American fork UT just like it in the same shape that brought 6500 on ebay.
he promised to send me my money when he got a morgage on his house.

he got a 60 thousand dollar mortgage and guess what nothing
i have called the provo police and they were going to have someone call me back it has been over 6 to 8 months and i have not heard anything> The bishop of provo first ward has said that the church can not do anything.

they are to honor your birth mother and fathers wishes and he has not done this this means that he has broken Mormon Baptismal right.

But the LDS CHURCH seems not to care.

I have even sent a letter to the stake president of provo first ward and the letter came back saying that the church has no place to have the letter delivered. A church without a mail slot i do not believe this

then i called the church to talk to the stake president and the person they call a brother said that they would give him the message to call and i heard nothing

I got the stake presidents of provo first wards home phone and called it and left a message with is wife and she said that she would let him know

Guess what--you guessed it no response
the Mormons are covering it up.

that is why i say never trust a Mormon they lie cheat and steal from you.

my uncle keeps using the excuse he has not money when he has it he does not want to pay
my uncle sent me a check for 2 thousand but the check was no good when i received it because he spent it on the wife that he has but has not lived with for many years,
she keeps blaming him for her wrecking her car then he says that she wrecked his car

he also owes me 1000 dollars for half of a furnace that he promised to pay for and has not payed for
i have to pay it to keep his sister ( my mother) out of court or from getting the new heating unit ripped out and i have not seen the money for this at all

and he kept promising to pay it to my mother and did not that is why i had to
he sent my mother 200 for Christmas and me nothing
he sent little giant ladders and they are 500 each and nothing
he is wasting money

my point is he should have never taken what was money in the first place second he should have never payed anyone there money till he had the money to pay everyone are the same time

mormons say ladys need respect

i think they better get a life
gods rules are respect and treat everyone the same he does not single out ladys and men

what a stupied rule in a cult as i so call it