We are two 27 year old mothers with two children each who live in rural Kansas near an Amish community. We have many things that we would like to share with you and hope that you have many things that you would like to share with us too!

Right now we have sites for helpful household hints and cleanup tips, recipes ( we all need a few more of these!!) and garden tips (during the summer months). We even have a jokes page to enliven your day. During the holidays we will give special holiday tips and ideas.

We encourage our visitors to send us their ideas as well as view ours. We will publish any ideas that are sent to us on this website, and hope that with your help, one day soon, it will be a wonderful reference for wives and mothers who need new ideas.

Thanks for visiting and we hope you enjoy!

We have found the BEST website for families to meet, especially those who live long distances from each other.

Family Point
Household Hints & Cleanup Tips(for the Garden!) Comming 6/30/99
Recipes For Real People! Check out a recipe for pudding pops!
Have a Laugh!
Under Construction
Get your Online Greeting Cards here!
Information Station for Parents...Temperment check for your child!!

This site last updated

This Candle if in rememberence of the Columbine High Students