Full Name: Meredith Anne Jackson
Location: Lawton, OK
B-day: April 11th, 1985
What I Look Like: shoulder length highlighted brown hair, green/hazel eyes and about 5'4
Hobbies: talking on the phone, dance, computer, and being with and partying with my friends!
Boyfriend: Dow Jones! :*)
Fave Music: pretty much anything! but especially country!
Fave Song: Blessed by Rachel Lampa
Well, let's see.. I'm now a big senior at Eisenhower High School in Lawton, OK.. GO EAGLES!! But soon to be COWBOY at OSU! GO POKES! I spend most of my time, either dancing, talking on the phone, or hanging out with friends.
I have been doing ballet since I was 3, which makes 14 years almost and have loved EVERY minute of it! And have had no desire to quit.I am a part of a ballet company here in Lawton called S.O.D.A. { Southwest Oklahoma Dance Alliance } Which consists of many dancers from around Lawton at Sherri's Dance Center and Ballet Academy of Lawton. We do many performances which consist of the annual performance of the Nutcracker, Choreographer's Showcase, Arts for All and Spring recitals. I'm also taking weekly classes at the Ballet Academy Of Lawton on Tuesday's, and Thursday's. The activity that is coming up will beour annual recital for the studio. We're working hard and are all excited about getting to show everyone all our moves! hehe :o)
I'm also involved in many church activities at First Baptist Church in Lawton, such as Fall Retreat,JAM, Falls Creek, Centrifuge,Mission Trips, Impact and many more!! We have an awesome youth minister, Kay Means, and an awesome youth group!! If you live in Lawton, we'd love for you to come visit us!
I also have AOL, so if you'd like to talk to me sometime, my screen name is: DaNcR21..I'd love to talk to you!!
Well, I guess that's all I have to say for now! I'll be updating my page from time to time so come back and see if anything has changed!
Thanks for coming!! Please sign my guestbook!! :o)
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