Cookie's Home Page

Hi, I'm Laura. Thanks for stopping by!
In my spare time (as if that exists!), I love to listen to or play music, watch or participate in sports, goof around on my computer, read, act, dance, and other stuff like that. I play the violin (see my pics page for clip) at school, private lessons, and at church, and I made it into All-State Orchestra the past three years!! I also used to play the piano (don't take lessons anymore) and like to listen to all kinds of music, preferably 50's, 60's and 70's, but I'll take just about anything. Some of my fav artists are The Four Seasons, BST, The Mamas and the Papas, Steppenwolf, and the Eagles (Download mp3z) Along with music, I absolutely love to dance, and am learning to swing and Latin dance as well.
I don't have time to watch TV much, but when I do my favorite shows are Alias (the best show ever and the only one I never ever miss!!), CSI, and Whose Line is it Anyway? Fav movies: Gladiator, The Green Mile, Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon, The Princess Bride, The Count of Monte Cristo,French Kiss, any Cary Grant movie... I could never pick a favorite book or even ten, but a few I've enjoyed (in no particular order except how they came to me) are Herman Wouk's The Winds of War and War and Remembrance, Sartre's Huis Clos, Perfume by Patrick Suskind, Ethan Frome by Edith Wharton, A Brief History of Time, I have to admit the Redwall series (if you don't know, don't ask), Candide, Much Ado About Nothing..and I could go on forever really.
I do actually leave the house, however; I like all sports and I have been playing soccer since I was four (stopped a couple years ago though) and I ran track for two years (long-distance: mile or two-mile). Some people don't think of it as a sport, but I used to ride horses (western at first, then hunter/jumper), too (I was really obsessed with them for awhile). I watch and sometimes play football, basketball, baseball, and just about anything. I'm crazy about nature too--anything like canoeing, camping, hiking and all that. I also like to do anything creative such as drawing, graphic design, etc, and recently I've gotten into cooking now that it's summer and I have a little time. (Watch Rachael Ray's "30-minute Meals" on the food channel!)
*SAD NEWS* My dog died in late September. Below you can see my dog, Missy, (one on the right; they're Westies, the others belong to some friends though), and I used to have a rat, JoJo, and a Chinese Dwarf hamster named Bungles. : ) (see other pics page for more). In case you didn't catch that, I absolutely adore animals, and usually they like me too. ; )
For a couple of summers I have had a foreign exchange student from France (I've taken French in school); I have also gone to stay with her for the summer in Lyon.
Also a while back, I played the title role in our community theater's production of Fiddler on the Roof, and two summers ago I had the wonderful opportunity to play with a professional chamber orchestra!!! It was simply amazing!
!!!BIG NEWS!!! I am going to be studying in PARIS next year! It is at the American University of Paris and I'm thinking of majoring in European Cultural Studies or Comparative Literature. Come back for updates on how that goes!
Well, that's pretty much it for now, I'll be updating later.
Please come back soon and visit me.
Oh, I also have a couple of instant messenger programs, if you'd like to chat sometime:
Yahoo Pager-dancing_queen_or_fool
or email me at:
Some wise words that pretty much sum up my philosophy on life:
"I can't be dispassionately removed from the things I do. I really feel sorry for people who are, who divide their whole life up into 'things that I like' and 'things that I must do.' You're only here for a short time, mate -- learn to like it."
--Russell Crowe
. . .and his awesome Aussie band, 30 Odd Foot of Grunts! (click on the kangaroo to go to their home page)
Pics of Me

Pics of My Family, Pets, Etc
Some of My Poems
Links to the Stars
Six Fiddlin' Lasses
(my Irish fiddling group)
My mom's webpage
(helpful hints for raising kids)
wallpapers I've made (Z3 and Classic Cars)
Download your Esheep!

(home page of a really great show about animals
maybe a little on the young side, but hey, I love it anyway!)

(Victor Garber/Jack Bristow fan site)