Buon Giorno! Welcome to my webpage. My name is Ben, and I need a life! Really, I've moved to Stafford, Virginia (yes, it's that bad), and I hate it with a gut-wrenching passion. Don't ever move here! Anyway, how are all of you? As you can see, I've decided to put some more time into my lovely, creative webpage. Unfortunately, I'm rather far away from my creative consultants Erin and Kate (aka Ru and Kochka). They're still in Virginia Beach... damn their luck! We're still communicating, though. Don't worry, there's still much more to come from them! They never shut up. I've condensed all of the Biography pages into one page. Much easier to navigate and less of a headache for me! The controversy page no longer exists. I was getting very little feedback, so I've decided to put up a "Things That Annoy Me" page. That's coming soon! Get a glimpse at what made us who we are today! It's our Biographies! Who's the Greatest President ever? Find out here!Read Inappropiately Touched By An Angel! Check out the new sketch comedy group, the Soccer Moms! Please visit our small shrine to Stanley Kubrick. The one and only god of cinema! Check out the photo gallery! It's not organized yet, but it's still cool! Check us out!Celebrity Forums. We know more about these celebrities than is good for us. Jeri Ryan Temple by Ben Robert Downey Jr. Altar by Erin Since August 1998 ![]()
Links That Are Loved By Ben
Jeri Ryan! She is GORGEOUS!
Internet Movie Database! Every movie ever made. Right here.
The Capitol Steps. Funny!
Suck. That's all there is to say. It's not porn, you sickos!
Confused? Visit the Very Confused People's Union!
Mystery Science Theater 3000!
How do you keep an idiot busy? Click and find out!
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Ben Jaworowski!
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