Something "Rad..."
Something "RAD..."

Hope you like our new look!!! As you can probably tell, we're undergoing major construction. The above image cube is part of our new look. Click on the picures to see them up close and double click on them to be linked to a site related to the picture (for example: double clicking on a picture of Mandy will take you to the "About Mandy Page.").
Also, you should check out our new and improved "Friends Page." If you can't see the above image cube, or if you have a slow modem, you may want to check out the old "Friends Page" instead.

Please e-mail us and let us know what you think about the new look. Or send us any cool pics that we can add to our page.

We'd love to hear from you!

E-mail Mandy


E-mail Brandy


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