Tunbridge Wells Juggling Club
Three ball juggling tutorials
Internet Juggling Database
Geocities File Manager

Geocities are telling me that if I don't update something they will delete all the files. Seeing as people still seem to be visiting this 'site', I guess the only decent thing to do is update.

Here are all the pages on this site:

Relf's Revenge

Relf's Revenge 6

Relf's Droppings

The Orinoco Flow

Orin's Multiplex

The Jon Relf Cross

You will need to be able to juggle three balls fairly competently before attempting to learn these tricks. If you can't already juggle then please E-mail me with a damn good reason why not!

I've used the same notation to describe these tricks that was used in George Gillson's book 'Beyond the Cascade'. The little trays represent your hands (be thankful, originally I was using mittens!) the 'L' & 'R' indicate whether it is the left or right hand. Arrows indicate throws & hand movements, & the numbered circles were just put in for decoration & bear no relevance to the trick whatsoever. But if they were to represent something they would probably look like juggling balls.

If you have any problems at all with any of the tricks, or any other trick for that matter, please get in touch: orin@twjc.co.uk I'm here to help!

You really should pop along to my proper site for the Tunbridge Wells Juggling Club. There you will find everything you ever want to know about TWJC & an enormous amount about juggling in general too.
