Welcome to Christina's Place!


    Hello and welcome to my new page! This will be under constant construction so please come back again for updates. Well since you're here I'll give you some tid bits about me. :) I'm 19, Virgo, own 2 Box Turtles (Gillian and Scully) and 2 cats (Smokey and Lacey), am currently taking time off from college so I can move and go to a better one, and my intended major is a toss up between Journalism and Theater. As far as hobbies go, I love to write, sing, make clay sculptures, draw, listen to music (which I love every kind *but* country and rap), do things on the net, I used to read a lot but I don't have the time nor dedication that it requires, and watch the only 3 television shows that I couldn't live without (The X Files, Friends, and The View).
     Well a large part of my life is dedicated to The X Files now thanks to Chris Carter *grrr* and I've become totally obsessed with it as many of you know. :| Although as far as material posessions, I don't have many except for a book, poster, calendar, and 2 book marks. ( :| again) I do however, write a lot of fan fiction about the show which allows me to become CC for a day and do what
I want to do with Mulder and Scully. I'll be sure to post my stories for anyone who wants to read them once they are all edited. Currently I only have one that is completed and edited. And yes, I often ask the question "David Duchovny why won't you love me" and that right there explains why I'm obsessed :) I still think we make a cuter couple than he and his wife. ;)
     I will also be posting pics of me soon when I get them all taken, so fear not! Off topic things about me- I'm
always in Yahoo's X Files chat under Paperback_writer_19 so look me up.. I'd like to say hello to my chat friends, well wait, I'm not putting up names in fear that I'll forget someone.. so if you know me, Hello! :) I'm also in search of a man, like always, who has the looks and charm of either David Duchovny or Matthew Perry.. if you are either, I'm yours! ;) Oh BIG hello to all of my international pen pals- Rachel in Australia, Jessica in Singapore, Kana in Japan, Martina in Germany, and Anne in France (snail mail).
    Almost forgot! I'm involved in the spiritual world known as ghosts and spirits to other people! Hopefully I'll be posting some stories of my own experiences soon, keep an eye out. Mainly I work with Tarot Cards (ask me for a reading!) and Ouija boards. I also have a dearly departed friend from the 'other world' I'd like to say Hiee to, Ana! I've been talking with her on my board for years now and she is, hands down, one of the coolest people I know! Too bad I didn't know her irl!
     Well, that's enough for now.. please check out my links and send me an email to let me know how I'm doing! Take care everyone and *huggs*

