Inro. To Allan's Bizarre Story

( Kangaroo GIF "Borrowed" From The Matilda Site )

Intro. To Allan's "Bizarre" Story Pages....

Oh , And To Those Involved / Portrayed.... I Hope You Hate It..... Because This Page Has Been VisitedTIMES And People KNOW You Now For The "Things" You Are !!!!


(The Guestbook Is Also Available , Both To Sign and View , In Both The Frames and No Frames Pages , At Page 3 and 6.....OK )

Hi All ,..... Or Sould I Say ....G ' Day ....(?).......

This page gives you the choice of either viewing my first effort at these pages , or my latter , and I think much better effort ;which is in the "frames" format .

The info. is much the same in both , but the second effort should load faster , and be easier to navigate through OK.....

Although both may take a little while to load , as on some pages there are a number of pictures , BUT I am sure you will find any wait well worthwhile....So Enjoy....

Oh....And this first "options" page WILL be being improved greatly in the near future . So please , come back to have a "look see" occasionally ; and please (again) let all your friends know about my pages , for reasons which will become apparent as you read and listen on .

Oh....and for my "enemies" who may want to prosecute me for TELLING IT LIKE IT IS , you will find white printing , on a colored background (background NOT printing without a fair bit of "mucking" around) , is a little "difficult" to print (Ha Ha Ha); so you will have difficulty gathering "evidence" of my doing anything wrong , BY TELLING THE TRUTH (particularly seeing I didn't "post" this site, but had a friend overseas do it) . DON'T YA HATE IT THAT I AM CLEVER ENOUGH TO GET AROUND RULES PROTECTING AND PROMOTING INJUSTICE (???)!!! Who knows the rules of evidence so well there aint ANYTHING you can prove !!! And if ya think the "civil" standard might avail ya (?) , just try me......PLEASE !!!!!

Not that these FACTS should bother any of you : you can always FABRICATE , or COERSE , testimony , as you so often do !!

Links To MY Other Pages

NO FRAMES.....My First Attempt At Web Pages Telling My Story At Geocities.......

FRAMES....My Second Effort , And I Think Better Attempt.....So Let Me Know What You Think OK ????.....However at pages 3,5 and 6 , there are changes to the scrolling text at the bottom , with messages to those represented ( or anyone who knows any of them ) ; which may be "confused" in the frames pages with the original scrolling text if you are interested (?) maybe better viewed in the 'no frames' pages.....

Oh , and anyone viewing these pages who knows , or likes , anyone represented . By all means COMPLAIN to them why haven't they forced my saying these things off the world wide web , or 'broken' me by taking legal action for the 'terrible' things I have either said or implied .????..

And then KNOW the TRUTH , when these pages are still here in months to come...........

Or alternatively enquire how come they haven't done the RIGHT thing , and ask them why they have not instructed their lawyers to make a reasonable offer of compensation , seeing over 50 % would be going into trust for my daughters anyway . Which is after all NO MORE than any of them would expect , if the roles were reversed ........???????

Something for everyone to think about......In the writs for Defamation Of Character , Negligence and Failure In Duty Of Care , which I have running right now .....I HAVE ALREADY GOTTEN GUILTY VERDICTS AGAINST THE TWO WOMEN from whom all this rubbish arose.........

Therefore , ask yourself.... can any of the other CO-DEFENDANTS who acted upon , or repeated these two womens PROVEN LIES ..... EVER ARGUE ANY OTHER THAN PROPORTION OF GUILT.......?????????????????????????

Any right thinking non delusional person knows LOGIC says they can not , and my real evidence will ensure it !

© 1997

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Allan Leigh P.O. Box 77 Mooroolbark Victoria Australia 3138 ; e mail ;ICQ 8386760 ; Phone country code 61 -428271000

Also I ask all who view this page to send the URL onto all they know , as someone is bound to know someone in Yakima , (where Aussies are far from common ) , and will be able to help both myself and my daughters achieve some "justice" and peace of mind . As inspite of everything and anything , they (my daughters) have a right to know their father loves them , and has their best interests at heart !!!!!!!!