My Church's Web Page- St Thomas More
Here's the man: Ben Folds Five!!!!!!
My friend's homepage...meow
George's page... Superbob? If you say so...
And a budding artist... slash musician... slash IBer... slash, well, his ego's already big enough...
My fav radio station, includes links to the best music sites out there
Here's my bud Chase's page, he's a weird one, but you can check out his page anyway
This online psychology page has some pretty cool personality and IQ tests in the Mind Games section
Download AOL Instant Messenger and talk to me when I'm online (sadly, that's quite often). my screen name is mystry1616
This is a very cool website all about my name, you can also look up the meanings of your own name and the names of your friends!
This is just a cute website for a secret admirer type thingy
Win FREE Jelly Beans!!!
And here's the band that Chris has so kindly engraved in my mind (I'm going to get this song out of my head eventually)
Any other suggestions? What would YOU like to see up here? Email me and let me know your favorite web sites are...