ok well, *the arts* sections has already been cut off my webpage due 2 the allocated data transfer status/whatever always having issues..apparently i keep going over/sumthin like that. so in addition 2 the elimination of *the arts,* i've also decided 2 cut out *freedom 2 bitch.* i figure if i cut out *freedom 2 bitch,* i'll b able 2 stick more stuff on the *random stuff* page. 4 those of u who r actually interested in hearing wtf i bitch about..well, 4 starters, u must b masochists..but yeah, i've started an online diary..a blog, if u will. so if u're really interested in hearing what i have 2 say, u can get ur fill of bitching @ my blog, oOKutMeDeepOo. read @ the risk of being offended. pardon the pretty colors..they make up 4 my own lack of enthusiasm in any & all things. enjoy. [updated: 5/2/02]

sarcasm suits me: so u wanna know more about the super cool person who made this webpage, hm? well click on the link & find out, smartass
the inevitable: the ppl who just apparently couldn't help but enter into my life & complicate it a bit more :P
random stuff: pretty self-explanatory..this section covers stuff from photos 2 graphics 2 whatever the fuck else i feel like putting on it.


u r visitor #...o wait, who really gives a fuck, right?

e-mail me @ azngirl4eva@hotmail.com