This Web Page is dedicated to ICQ, for which we will be eternally
grateful, for without an ICQ chatroom, our path's may never have crossed.
Thanks to Kathy's 50 + Single Chatroom, and all of our wonderful
ICQ friends, who were so full of encouragement and support, throughout
our courtship. Find Kathy's 50+Single Chatroom on ICQ, Age Group's, 50-Something.
ICQ # 4055384
Special Thanks to "Mud" of Mudbug's Chatroom, who threw an all
day long cyber Wedding Party on our Wedding Day, and was kind enough to
forward wedding pictures to all our
ICQ friends.
Wedding Pictures of Legna-Angel and LocoAl
Kay and Allen Lewis
Kay and Allen with Father Ted Duvall
Our very dear friends, Kathi and Chip Cooper, were Matron of Honor
and Best Man.
Is it time for the knee's to stop knocking ?
This was the fun part.
June 20, 1998
Members of Heartsville Chatroom, Submit your picture to be added.
About Heartsville
The Heartsville Chatroom was created especially for older couples
( over 40 ), who met online. Either Married, Dating, or about to make that
first big face to face meeting.
Meeting that " Special " someone is a wonderful point in life,
but when He/She is just a few lines on your Monitor, things can become
a bit unsetteling.
Therefore the Heartsville Chatroom was created, Our goal is to
assist, by sharing our experence's with other couples who are getting ready
to meet for the first time, or are dating and pondering, " What's down
the road ?". We also enjoy meeting other couples who met online, and hope
that some of you are also looking for couples who have been there and done
Heartsville Chatroom, ICQ # 15995068
Come and Visit,
If you don't already have ICQ, go and download it. It's one of
the best realtime chat's that you will find. Install the ICQ program, Just
print out the instruction's before you download, its really quite
easy. Then add Heartsville, ICQ # 15995068, following the easy instructions
and come and visit. A big "Plus" is that, you can also send ICQ to your
online friends and family, Activate your own built in chatroom feature,
and have everyone in for a good chat. A wonderful way to keep in close
touch with loved ones and save on the long distance bills. The program
is also compatable with many of the voice programs.
The following Link's are for ICQ, our personal Homepage, and Information
Re Junk mail
Congratulation's to Kathi and Chip Cooper on the birth, Sunday,
August 2, 1998, of their grandbabies, TWIN BOYS. Mother and Babies
are doing well. Granny is all bubbly and Granpy, ( formally Grumpy
??, just jokeing ) is
just putty in their little hands. The babies are beautiful and
were over 5 pounds each.
Auntie Legna and Uncle Loco are busy snapping pictures. We hope
with the permission of the Proud Parents, Drew and Jason, to feature pictures
on this page from time to time.
Congratulations, may God Bless You all and keep you safe.
Darian Cooper and Donovan Randell, age one week
Come Visit Heartsville Chatroom
ICQ # 15995068
{ The Chatroom for Hearts aflutter }
Heartsville will be open daily 6 PM till ?. Eastern time.
There may be times that it will have to close due to storms, isp down,
etc. But will try to have it open for your convience. If you should knock
and the door opens and no one is home, Please make yourself at home, the
coffee is always hot and endless, just fix yourself a (_)0 and feel welcome
to wait for someone to join you. You may also invite others who meet the
requirements to visit. Give them the chatroom number or drag them in. (gently
To become a member of " Heartsville ", you must be over
40, and met your " Sweetie "
The Chat is always clean and friendly. We openly share
basic information, like age, male or female, City, State, Etc.
Do drop by, we are looking forward to meeting you.