William Shakespeare
   On or around April 23, 1564 two illerate residents of Stratford by the names of John and Mary altered history by bringing a young man into the world who was christened Gulielmus filius Johannes Shakespeare.  The young bard would come to be known by the name of William and he would challenge, entertain and frustrate the world with his words of wisdom for centuries to come.  John and Mary were wise parents, for they sent their strapping young son to Stratford grammer school where he acquired the literacy skills that would make him a star.  William was trained in Latin, a little English and the classic works of literature.  He later included his experiences in a comical scene from The Merry Wives of Windsor where a young pupil by the name of William is drilled by his headmaster.
     Mr. Shakespeare was quite an elusive fellow and so little of his actual life is known with certianty.   It is known that in 1582 William married a young woman named Anne Hathaway who was already several months with child.  Due to poor record keeping, no one knows if this Anne is the same Anne that Shakespeare intended to marry only two days earlier before he suddenly grew a conscious and married the girl he'd impregnated, or if her name was just dramatically mispelled.  Whatever the case may be, William and Anne had three children.  By the time he tragically lost his only son, William had already deserted his poor wife for a career on the stage.  And the rest, as they say, is history.
To learn more try one of my other pages,
Histories Comedies The Sonnets
or check out these references.
The Complete Works of William Shakespeare
Shakespeare Online