You can find us in the #50something chat channel on IRC's Dalnet, but we have to warn you....once you may never want to leave. *smile* We're the babyboomers, the oldies, but goodies, who were lucky enough to be born sometime in the 40's and grew up in those fabulous 50's.
They were the days of bobby sox, saddle shoes, poodle skirts, peg legged jeans, white T-shirts, Drive-In Movies, car hop hang outs, cars with personality, two tone paint jobs and lots of chrome. It was the birth of misunderstood rebels like James Dean and Marlon Brando, bad B movies, and Rock n Roll.
We grew up with more history in the making than any other time, the space race, struggles for peace and equality, and huge leaps in technology. Then television was just replacing the radio, and 45's were the big rage in records. Today, we're a part of the microwave, computer, and CD's generation (who says you can't teach an old dog new tricks).