Welcome to Ebtrek's Wilderness
Thanks for dropping by! Hope you enjoy your TREK into my wilderness!~

Smile! God Bless You!  Hello to my friends who are here visiting my webpage!
My Resume- A Small Biography (Resume) Page

My Friends
- A page dedicated to my friends that I've had throughout my life.

My FamilyPictures of my family and a little bit about them.

College of Adult Education -This is my college at Dallas Baptist University. I am majored in Business Administration..

Dallas Baptist University -Home of the Patriots! My Alma Mater. I graduated from DBU in May 2007 with my Bachelor's Degree in Business Adminstration. . Its located in Dallas, Texas.

My Calendar-- for me to keep up with whats going on this month and in the future

Recent Photos --
recent photos ( to be updated on a monthly basis, I know I haven't been keeping up with my website but will try better from now on:))

Halloween Pictures
-- here are my halloween pictures from 2001

My Autobiography-  I did this for a school project and thought I would add it onto my webpage so you can get to know me a bit better.

My Daughter, Kennedy's Picture Page

My Fitness Journal and Goal's Page
Add your text here

We are currently undergoing CONSTRUCTION to improve this homepage so you can be able to explore it more!

Thanks for coming in today and hope you come back sometime soon! I will try my best to have it improved ASAP! Smile and have a good day! God Bless Y'all!

To my friends and family,
Glad  you all could come and visit my page. Hope you enjoyed your stay here!  I will have a guestbook up on this page whenever I can so you all can sign it and let me know what you all think about it and you can add some suggestions on how to improve this page! Thanks Guys! Love you all! Smile! And Have  Great Day!  :))))
Want to get in touch with me?
Like my page?
Email me:
This is an old picture of me back in my college days.