Welcome to my web site!
This is my beginning shot at creating a web site so don't freak out if it is not the best around...it may not be the best but IT IS MINE!!! I created it all by my self so don't knock it till you have done one for yourself...lol.
OK...a little about me....I am 26, yes I know I am getting OLD!!! I am a the lending programs coordinator for a nonprofit housing organization, basically that means that I do WAY more than one title could ever cover so I will not bother you will all of the details.
I am a graduate of the UNIVERSITY OF OKLAHOMA. Go SOONERS!!!!
I have a wonderful daughter who means the world to me. I must say that I have to be the luckiest person on earth to have such a good daughter. O and you can check out her pictures in my photo album....she is a cutie.
This page was last updated on 02/14/00.