The following web page contains adult language and possible adult content.
Viewer discretion is advised.
I attest that I am over the age of 18 and am not offended by symbols, which, when interpreted by my mind, may mean something bad, naughty, or otherwise offensive to prudish people who have nothing better to do that complain and attempt to infringe upon the First Amendment to the Unites States Constitution. I am not offended by human bodies in their natural state, even if this site does not contain any pictures of them. I will not sue the owner of this web page for any vicious remarks that he may have made against my person, beliefs, race, color, sex, age, hair colour, shoe size, religion, sexual practice, educational background, major, height, breast size, penis size, dental hygiene, state of residence, political beliefs, or profession. In other words, I don't really give a flying $#%& about what offends you. By entering this site, you agree that I am doing this in good fun [usually] and don't really intend to alienate 75% of the world population. Just quit bitching about it, read it, laugh at it, and enjoy yourself. If you don't, well, I warned you.