<BGSOUND SRC="/tennvols_69/userfiles:/user/duhast.ram" LOOP=INFINITE>
Tennvols_69 Webpage!!
Me drunk in Suda Bay, Crete
            Welcome to my page! feel special cause i dont just give it out to anyone. My name is grant im 5'11" 185 lbs. My hobbies include messing with computer hardware, anything outdoors, hanging with friends, and partying. i did five years  in the US Navy  as a Aviation Electronics Tech, when i  decided to seperate from active duty i got out as a  Petty Officer Third Class. At which time i got a job in Albuquerque New Mexico with Lockheed Martin as a flight simulator tech working on the C130 flight simulator.  I love my job and get paid well to do it, guess i cant complain much about that then. i plan on pursueing a degree in electronics engineering. i run a website called Overhauledpc, its an enthusiest website aimed to getting the most out of our computers and helping new people with their computer woes.we also aim to setting the records straight about hardware.I have been messing in electronics since i was around the age of 10 it started out simple and i have since advanced through help from the US Navy. i went throught the navys intermediate level maintence program where i gained a more in depth knowledge of electronics. I have worked on several personal designs, some of which i will not share due to incidents ive had in the past where my work was stolen and used for company profit. One of most current designs include a fix for a current motherboard thats on the moarket that has voltage regulation issues. i have learned to take great pride in my my as it reflects my personal belife that attention to details are key. I am constantly learning and will continue to do so, as electronics is a love in my life unlife any other. ive often heard that avation electonics techs are prone to always having the best of the best in computers but i strive to go above that and to make my computer run past its stardard means.I want to pursue a electronics engeeneering degree. however, i want to do this for me and no other reason . yes my job is electronics but i want my degree for myself. so that i can have a better understanding of hardware and take my projects further. i have no desire to use my knowledge for a engeneering job as i feel it will take the fun out of it as i also feel with computers.

Me and a Ex-Girl friend whom i still good friends with.
My Senior Picture.
Me at my dads wedding in the one on the right.
Me in my Navy Uniform at christmas.
Another of me in my uniform around christmas time.
My Phase change pics